Friday, October 7, 2011

The Demise of a Legend - Steve Jobs

I've always been deeply effected by death of seems like a desolate way to go....but "Death it seems is the only destination we all share."

The mournful demise of Steve Jobs left the world aghast late Wednesday night as this innovative and revolutionist entrepreneur fought his last battles against cancer. Born in San Francisco to Abdulfattah John Jandali and Joanne Simpson he was given up for adoption by his biological parents. He was then adopted by Paul Jobs and Clara Jobs. He attended  Cupertino Junior High and Homestead High School in Cupertino, California. After High school he enrolled in Reed college in Portland for graduation. So there he was in an expensive college where all his bourgeois family's savings were being used up in his tuition fees and he still had no idea what he wanted out of his life and no idea how college was going to help him figure it out. He saw no value being in college. So after his first semester he decided to drop out. But he stay around for 18 months attending various auditing classes before finally deciding to give it up. His bourgeois background made it hard for him to survive those days. He didn't have a dorm room so he slept on the floors of friends' rooms. He would return coke bottles for the 5 cent deposits to buy food with. He would walk the seven miles across the city on Sunday nights for the free food at Hare Krishna Temple. 

By late 70s Steve along with a few others founded Apple. Macintosh was a very successful product of theirs. But by mid 80s due to drift between Steve and  Apple's then CEO, Mr John Sculley he was relieved of his duties. This came as a blow to Steve but he didn't give up. He founded NeXT Computer that year and Pixar Image Computer the next year. Later in 1996 he returned to Apple after his company NeXT Computer was bought off by Apple. Steve Jobs then concentrated wholeheartedly on increasing the sales and market of Apple products. His innovative ideas,persuasion and charisma helped Apple gain its stature to number one in the market again. He changed customers' level of expectations from the makers. It brought a revolution into the digital world. With Macintosh, i-phone,i-pod and i-pad  apple became a household name. Their technical brilliance and innovative attitude made the world tremble in anticipation for the launch of their new products. 

From his life I take the inspiration to follow my heart, to do the kind of work I love....He said - “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.” 

His death is the world's loss.....We have lost a legend, a visionary and a man who didn't hesitate to follow his heart....who didn't let other people's opinions stop him from what he wanted to do or become. 

Steve Jobs made us believe in the letter " i " .......He was a legend and legends never die....they live on....
 Like he said - “I’ll always stay connected with Apple. I hope that throughout my life I’ll sort of have the thread of my life and the thread of Apple weave in and out of each other, like a tapestry. There may be a few years when I’m not there, but I’ll always come back. 

You'l always be missed.....Steve Jobs....May your soul R.I.P.......

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My life...

For once I dn't want people telling me what to eat, when to eat.
For once I dn't want people telling me what to drink,why to drink.
For once I dn't want people telling me what to wear, how to wear.
For once I dn't want people telling me to smile, smile when I dn't want to.
For once I dn't want people telling me my shoes dn't look good, they dn't suit me.
For once I dn't want people telling me how to walk,when to walk.
For once I dn't want people telling me when to sleep and when to get up.
For once I dn't want people telling me that I am small,that that I am naive.
For once I dn't want people telling me where to sign,when to sign.
For once I dn't want people telling me what to read,when to read.
For once I dn't want people telling me when to go out,when to come back.
For once I dn't want people telling me whom to love, when to love.
For once I dn't want people telling me when to be polite,whom to be polite to.
For once I dn't want people telling me to be something I am not, something I dn't want to be.
For once....and for only once....I wanna be able to feel that I am free.
For once....and only for once....I wanna be able to cry when I want to.
For once....and only for once....I wanna be able to live my life on my own....

Thursday, April 7, 2011

India - Republic of Corruption???

The desperate cries of a 72 year old Anna Hazare awakens the nation from it's deep slumber. People all over the country join hands to support this Padma Bhusan honoree in his fight against the most persistent socio-evil paralyzing the nation - Corruption.
From sports(CWG scam) to telephones(2G scam) to housing(Adarsh scam) corruption in India has conquered all fields. Applause to our ministers and government officers....and lets not forget the CBI for so conveniently wrapping up the scams with no one convicted everytime....Do they really think we are that ignorant!!!! A nation with more than 1.2 billion people and still we have endured all this for so long. It's a shame. Every time some scam comes up and a Minister is found to be linked with it, the CBI does its routine interrogation and then as soon as the issue gets cold the minister is acquitted!!!
Its time Indians......its time to get up and take things into our own hands...our future in our own hands...because we've all seen what happens when we leave matters in the house of the government....

Monday, January 3, 2011

A place she always belonged...

She  heaved and puffed as she pushed the heavy trolley piled with her bags. She has come to stay with her parents after a long time.The prospect of being under  their roof again after years of independent living paralysed her  internally though her face gave none of that away. The cool composure she exhibited betrayed the inner turmoil she was going through. She greeted her parents with the appropiate amount of enthusiam and replied politely to their enquires about how the flight was....if she ate anything. Her mother offered her one of the sandwitches she had made for her. She refused saying she was not hungry. She doozed off and was woken up by a gentle nudge from her Dad.

As she stepped into the house she witnessed many changes that took place  during her absence. The curtains of the living room changed, the furniture were placed differently now. As she stepped into her room memories of her childhood flooded in. But the room felt alien. None of the stuff that went up the cupboard belonged to her. The closets were not empty as they were when she left them but were filled with clothes she did not recognise as her own. The room resembled more like their old store room now. Sighing she went in and placed her bags on the floor. After a small supper that night she retired to her room and went to sleep.

Days passed and she got used to the monotony of life. No friends, no hangouts in the evenings, no parties,no Neel. But she did not complain. She had chosen this life for herself and she no longer had the priviledge of thinking what her life would have been otherwise.Neel could not marry her, his family would never allow it and she could no longer live in an arrangement where she could not have her happy ending. But they knew from the very start that they could never get married and lead a life together. Maybe she was trying to deceive fate, maybe she was trying to deceive herself that she might have a happy ending someday.  But reality did crash in and when it did it shattered all her illusions. She knew she had to walk out of it before it was too late, before she lost everything to him.

Sitting on the front porch with a cup of herbal tea in her hand, she sipped in the hot liquid lingering on her lips. She inhaled the fresh air listening to the distant chirping of the birds. She felt like a volcano ready to erupt and bring discord to her serene surrounding.She felt as if she was in war with herself. But in plain sight she looked as calm as the sea infront of her. More days passed and all she did was stay at home and watch soap operas in the television till her eyes got tired and she doozed off on the couch.For sometime now she has been feeling that she did not belong to this place anymore.She did not feel at home in her home anymore.She craved to be in a place where she belonged. She yearned to be at home.....

It was a Sunday afternoon when she decided to go for a walk on the beach. Her parents were off to their vacation in Rome which she had refused to join saying she needed to work on something. She used to be on the beach every Sunday since she was four. But its been years since she took a walk on that sandy ground. Now as she stepped into the granular sand infront of her she felt like going for a swim. Maybe a dip in the sea would  take it all away....her pain...her agony. Maybe she would finally feel at home. She has always belonged to the was a place she always belonged.

An hour later there were news flashes all over the world mourning the ravage caused by Tsunami. Her parents turned on the television to watch in horror that the place they called home no longer existed. That it is wiped  off the face of earth.