Have you read the novel..."Fountainhead" ??? Well if you have not then I suggest you grab yourself a copy right away and start digging through it. It is one helluva eyeopener. The outrageous truths of the world thrown straight at one's face and one stares at it.....lighting struck......dumbfounded.
Its about a young aspiring architect and his struggle against the discriminations and injustice imposed on him for being what he was- an original. He was punished for being a true artist whose driving force was his unfaltering devotion for his work.
But the novel also centers around various other characters, each one more complicated than the other.... each one more despicable,more abominable than the other. As the story goes on one realizes the means and must I say, "obnoxious means" adopted by people to meet their ends. It exposes all the masks a man wears to strive in this world. All the masks that we live on....and all those we can't live on....
It is a long novel.....of about 700 pages....and there were times when reading it left me limp with disgust..... Disgust for my own kind. I know we all lie....and we all cheat....that there's a devil inside each of us. But to actually rip the skin off and to expose it to the world....it takes courage. It takes courage to even admit that man is capable of doing such vile things. And Ayn Rand has done just that. She has exposed the worst of man in the best possible way man can and I personally salute her for that.I have not read a novel like that in a long time. The abstruse human character and the intricate workings of the human mind have seldom been described with such eloquence. The novel is the creation of a genius who understands human nature impeccably....If you have not read it once in your lifetime......you have missed a great opportunity.....to know the world.....to know its people and most importantly to know yourself....
Take care....
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