A great man once said-
Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve and too short for those who rejoice.
Very true indeed and who better than me can know this. I can't seem to regret the decisions that brought to face to face with these situations, they also brought me to a new level of understanding. A new level of "ME".
As i stood on the threshold of a very crucial phase of my life i found myself looking back into time. Wished i could do a few things differently if not change them, but time once gone never comes back and all you are left with are memories.
This year has unfolded a new part of me, a part, i, myself was flabbergasted and at the same time too befuddled to acknowledge in the beginning. But as i let the truth sink in, it gave me an ineffable self satisfaction. I was once told, "There are some pains one has to enjoy, while there are others for which one should feel rancorous." I believe the first suggestion appealed to me and i choosed it to get through this personel holocast. Even though the pain was excruciating but i choosed to enjoy it and despite the innumerous attempts of stabbing me to half death i stood up each time and survived.
I have a friend who is constantly running away from any difficult and painful situations in life. But as i look at her i feel myself stronger and more than ever ready to deal with the difficulities of my own life. i've realised the best way to deal and get rid of one's misery or grief is to feel it. Realisation is the best cure to all pain and in some fortunate cases pleasure. But i've realised that realisation is a very scanty these days. And those who realise it are often the centres of public mockery. So does it mean that we give up being human because others have turned into insensitive, living corpes?? Does it mean that we live our lives like those mechanised robots who are developed to show emotions but will always be robots in the end!!!! I guess i dn't have to say.... We already know what we've turned into..........